New Acne Treatment

In the world today, millions of people are suffering from some degree of acne. Whether you have horrific blemishes or just a few pimples, you have acne. It has been estimated that three quarters of the world population suffers from acne. There are some who suffer so severely that it is a struggle just to walk out of their homes. Severe acne can cause depression in some people, they feel as if everyone is staring at them and become shut ins. There are many acne remedies on the market today, however there is no cure for acne.
Acne remedies include creams and sprays, clean wipes, and prescriptions. For extremely severe acne, your physician may even recommend laser surgery. Finding a treatment that works for you can be time consuming and expensive. Many people feel that it is worth the time and expense if the result is clear skin.
When you walk down the isle of any pharmacy, department store or even grocery store, you will find hundreds of products that are used for acne treatment. Not all of these work on all acne, it depends on each individual person.
Many companies have developed acne treatments, and cosmetic companies have developed make up to conceal those unsightly blemishes. Some of these products can cost a great deal, and most of the time, the treatment needs to be continuous. Most often, insurance will not cover this type of treatment so it is up to the sufferer to pay for it. It is recommended that if you suffer from severe acne, consult a dermatologist. They are trained in diseases of the skin and are up to date on any new treatments. He or she can also give you sample medication to find what best treats your acne. Most insurance companies cover this type of treatment. A dermatologist can advise you what the best course of treatment is for your situation, and recommend treatment options. He or she can also instruct you in what your skin type is and what the proper care is.
New treatments for acne are under development. This is welcome news for people who have tried every acne treatment available only to be afflicted again when they stopped the treatment. There is no cure for acne; it is an indiscriminate skin disease that seems to strike at random. Acne has often been called a teenagers worst nightmare, however, studies have shown that it strikes more adults than teenagers. A healthy diet can ease some of the symptoms, however until a cure is found, it will continue to strike. Taking care of your skin should be your number one priority.
For more information on acne problems and other conditions, [] is the place to go.